Okay, so I had a bit of a baking fail today. My first attempt at baking biscotti was no bene (good), but more on that another time. Fortunately, my amaretti cookies turned out as expected—wonderfully soft inside and crunchy on the outside—thanks to the recipe I found when baking my 2023 Christmas lineup.

Amaretti, almond cookies in a dishNot only is recipe one a go-to for its taste and texture, but the almond cookies are on your cooling rack in less than 30 minutes from start to finish.

No chilling the dough. No messing with cookie cutters. You end up with something different than your everyday cookie—or, dare I say fancy—without all the fuss.

The only real drawback is finding almond flour in your health food aisle if you’ve never looked before. It certainly kept my husband occupied for a while when I added it to the shopping list (sorry, Love). Other than that, you just need to know how to whip some egg whites into peaks (keep on whisking), and you’re good to go.

Here’s the ingredients list:

  • 2 egg whites
  • 1/4 teaspoon almond extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2/3 cup of white sugar
  • 2 cups almond flour (*or 1 cup all-purpose, 1 cup almond—note below)
  • icing sugar (for coating the dough)

Oh, and before I hand you off to the recipe site, a tip for making a firmer cookie and saving a bit of money on almond flour is to bake them with one cup of all-purpose flour and one cup of almond flour rather than two cups of the latter.

Here’s the recipe on The Hungry Bites. The author has plenty of tips, including what to do with your leftover yolks and variations of the cookie you can check out to change things up. Go ahead and give this recipe a try. And don’t forget to come back for more simple, tasty recipes here at Somewhat Minimalist.